
The Orowais Saga Continues…


Can They Be Free?

The word is out. First Contact has happened, and across the globe, the friendships between Orowais and humans are tested like never before.

In South Africa, Benie and Feather live in a cage, jailed with the other Orowais. As they meet the captured alien commander Shoite, they learn more about the Orowais' secrets, and how they affect Feather.

In Oregon, Bill and Pete meet with the NSA to negotiate a safe place for the aliens to live, while Herta and his family flee the farm for temporary safety.

Meanwhile, Purvit and Aerioste lead a desperate quest, joining a band of Orowais pirates. They cross the globe in search of Purvit's sentient spaceships, hoping to build a band of humans, Orowais, and sentient spaceships willing to rescue the captives in South Africa.

As the trapped Orowais wait, this ragtag team tries to pull off the most daring rescue of all.

