Happy Labor Day…Here!

Happy Labor Day my dear readers, and hope you're having a lovely time with friends and family. :-)

For me, Labor Day is another work day...because the writing never stops!

I'm getting ready to dive back into my next novel, Here, and start the editing process so I can get this one released by the end of the year. (Hopefully before Christmas.)

One of the things I love to do on a holiday weekend is tend to my VW Van, Henry, and this weekend he got a thorough cleaning to get ready for fall camping. He is the star of both the Wilderness screenplay, and also the inspiration for multiple VW Vans in Here, so I thought I'd share a photo of him out doing location scouting for my stories.

Henry By Ft Rock copy.jpg

​​I like to go out and scout locations for all of my tales, and now I'm feeding my story photos to Instagram, so you can get a better idea of what I'm visualizing when I write my tales.

I'm also finishing up on my latest novella, and it should be done by the end of the week...just in time to start back up on Here.

Why do I write novellas and novelettes? They're a great way to keep writing during the downtime between novels, and I like to use them to practice creating a tighter narrative that flows in a shorter space.

The one I'm working on now is a zombie story, and turning out to be a horror/comedy tale. I'll release more on it once it's finished...

New Caviar was my first novelette - a fun way to interplay the relationship between two protagonists, and I used it to practice building tension in a shorter story. It's going to be included in Feeding, which will be a collection of short stories and novellas, and I'll release that probably around June 2021.

So, even though today is supposed to be a day of rest...I'm writing! Can't help it, I'm addicted to the pen, and I hope you'll enjoy Here and Feeding once they both come out.

Until next time, have a wonderful late Summer, and happy reading!




New Books Coming Soon


Coming Soon…Here